by | Mar 2, 2007 | Bible, Books, Theology
This past year that I have been in seminary in Alabama, I have still tried to keep up with the Daily Nebraskan, the school newspaper from my undergraduate institution, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. On Wednesday, they ran an editorial asserting that the Bible...
by | Mar 1, 2007 | Bible, Books, Church, Culture, History, Theology
I mentioned awhile ago that I was writing a paper to contrast baptism and the Lord’s Supper in Baptist and Presbyterian thought. I just finished the paper, although, as I began writing it, I realized that I only had enough space to focus on baptism. Here is one...
by | Feb 15, 2007 | Books, Church, Theology
I am writing a paper for my church history class that will contrast sacramental theology in the Westminster Confession of Faith and one of the Baptist confessions–probably the Baptist Faith and Message of 1925. In my research, I just came across an excellent...
by | Feb 12, 2007 | Culture, Theology
The New York Times had a fascinating article on its front page today: KINGSTON, R.I. — There is nothing much unusual about the 197-page dissertation Marcus R. Ross submitted in December to complete his doctoral degree in geosciences here at the University of Rhode...
by | Feb 8, 2007 | Bible, Church, Theology
Only recently have I come to believe that God intends for Christians to baptize their infants. Before November 15, the date of my “conversion” on this matter, I was a committed Baptist for about a year. Before that, I wrestled with the arguments for and...
by | Feb 7, 2007 | Bible, Church, Theology
For whatever reason, I have always been disinclined to consider anyone living today as an “apostle” in the biblical sense. I suppose my main concern lies in the Catholic idea that every pope has apostolic authority, equal to Jesus’ twelve disciples...
by | Feb 4, 2007 | Bible, Church, Preaching, Theology, Worship
This morning, I visited Briarwood Presbyterian Church, the founding church of the PCA denomination. It was a bit too big for my taste, but it was a wonderful church. I was privileged to see the sign of the New Covenant given to three more covenant infants, and, for...
by | Feb 3, 2007 | Bible, Books, Church, Culture, History, Preaching, Theology, Worship
This summer, I read the book Biblical Interpretation: Past & Present by Gerald Bray (incidentally, Dr. Bray was my professor this January for my Puritan Spirituality class). It is an incredibly fascinating book that served as a wonderful introduction to seminary...
by | Jan 31, 2007 | Books, Church
Classes began today for the Spring semester. Well, I actually only had one class (Church History: Reformation-Present), but it’s going to be a doozy. We will have to read almost 3000 pages of books (not counting all the other books we will read to write two...
by | Jan 28, 2007 | Church, Theology, Worship
This morning at a church I was visiting, I witnessed for the first time an infant baptism. When I realized mid-service that one was coming, I actually became really nervous and excited for what was about to take place. I had been anticipating my first infant baptism...