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This morning at a church I was visiting, I witnessed for the first time an infant baptism. When I realized mid-service that one was coming, I actually became really nervous and excited for what was about to take place. I had been anticipating my first infant baptism for a long time, and I was not disappointed: it was a beautiful and holy thing to see.

Ironically, before I knew that an infant baptism was coming, I had seen that same baby squawking during a hymn, and my mind went to Matt. 21:16, where Jesus quoted the Septuagint version of Psalm 8:2: “Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise.” Thinking about how the baby was participating in worshiping the Lord with her parents, I wondered if she had been or would soon be baptized as a member of the covenant community. About ten minutes later, my question was answered.

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