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Martin Luther on Two Kingdoms Theology

David VanDrunen develops Two Kingdoms Theology through church history in his book Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms. I quoted earlier from VanDrunen when he identified two important themes of commonality with the world and antithesis against the world in a 2nd century...

What are the Works of the Holy Spirit?

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life in a Year: Though the elect experience the Spirit’s regeneration passively as so many dry bones (Ezek. 37:1-14), believers put their trust in the promises of the comfort of the Spirit and pray for Him and His work in them...

What it Means for Abraham to be the New Adam

John Sailhamer: The theme of Abraham and his descendants marking a new beginning in God’s plan of blessing is developed in a number of other ways as well in Genesis. Most notable is the frequent reiteration of God’s “blessing” in 1:28 (and 9:1)...

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