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Why the Written Word is Better than Direct Revelation

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life in a Year: Revelations from God, such as that given to Abraham, commanding him to sacrifice his only son, had a “divine power and efficacy” that infalliby assured Abraham that the words came from God. Nevertheless, God...

Hearing the Word vs. Listening to the Word

The Apostle John offers a simple test for discerning the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error: does a person listen to the apostles, or not? 5They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6We are from God. Whoever...

Writing and Rewriting the Literal Words of God

There is much to commend in Peter R. Schemm Jr.’s article, “The Writing Pastor: An Essay on Spiritual Formation” in the recent issue of Themelios, but I especially found this passage thought-provoking: One practice for learning the ministry of words...

Peter’s Hunger and Peter’s Vision in Acts 10

In Acts 10, where Luke records the story of Peter’s vision of the unclean animals descending in a great sheet from heaven, I always regarded the reference to Peter’s hunger as a superfluous detail. Luke writes: [9] The next day, as they were on their...

Sunday Sabbath in the Old Testament

From David VanDrunen’s Living In God’s Two Kingdoms: One way in which the Old Testament pointed them to the coming of Christ was by giving them a second kind of Sabbath that was different from the ordinary weekly Sabbaths. For a couple of special occasions...

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