by | Feb 3, 2011 | Bible, Books, Preaching, Theology
Christian exegetes have wrestled with the connection of Ezekiel’s Valley of Dry Bones and the doctrine of the bodily resurrection since they first preached on Ezekiel 37 from the light of Christ’s own bodily resurrection. While early exegetes drew a very...
by | Apr 14, 2008 | Bible, Books, Church, Culture, History, Theology
Over Spring Break, I read The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift: The Fissuring of American Evangelical Theology from 1936 to 1944. The book was originally a Ph.D. dissertation in Church History by a Dallas Theological Seminary graduate, and I found it absolutely...
by | Feb 23, 2008 | Bible, Preaching, Theology, Worship
You have somewhere written, O Christ, that you must reign until you destroy every rule and every authority and power, and that the last enemy to be destroyed will be Death. For you have written that your reign must endure until all your enemies have been put under...
by | May 19, 2007 | Bible, Theology, Worship
I was reading Psalm 72 just now, where Solomon prays that God would extend the rule of “the king.” (Actually, the “Of Solomon” could be translated “For Solomon,” and, since verse 20 says “The prayers of David, the son of...
by | Mar 2, 2007 | Bible, Books, Theology
This past year that I have been in seminary in Alabama, I have still tried to keep up with the Daily Nebraskan, the school newspaper from my undergraduate institution, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. On Wednesday, they ran an editorial asserting that the Bible...