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Bible Study Tool: For the Love of God by D. A. Carson

In my own life, I do not think that I have come across a more valuable tool than D. A. Carson’s two volume Bible Study Tool For the Love of God (see Vol. I and Vol. II). If you click the “For the Love of God” tag, you will find many posts over the...

Mediated Worship and Unmediated Worship

…the worship service is not an exercise in worship but a practicing of worship. It is not, of course, that the practicing of worship consists exclusively in going to church. Rather, it must be the one, grand, royal action of our whole life, in all our thoughts,...

2 John: Loving One Another in Truth

At first glance, 2 John might seem to be warmed-over leftovers from 1 John, but appearances are very deceiving in this case. In John’s First Letter, he had addressed three major themes: Regeneration, Truth, and Love. John’s Second Letter is vital to the...

Jesus Christ, Stumbling Block to the Jew

So central was this emphasis on the Messiahship of Jesus that within a few years ‘Christ’ (the Greek for Messiah) had ceased to designate Jesus’s function and had come to be a sort of surname. Now all this was peculiarly offensive to the Jew. It was...

Greek in the Spread of Early Christianity

From Michael Green’s classic Evangelism in the Early Church: The advantages for the Christian mission of having a common language can hardly be overestimated. It did away with the necessity for missionary language schools. Missionaries using it would incur none...

One-to-One Bible Reading

Preface: If you go to Redeemer Church in Lincoln, we have extra copies of this book that I want to give away. Please don’t be shy–contact me, and I will get you a copy. I want this book to be a resource for evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training...

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