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Hodge on Sacraments

A. A. Hodge on the sacraments as “seals” of the covenant. I found it helpful: The sacraments were designed to ‘apply’—i.e., actually to convey—to believers the benefits of the new covenant. If they are ‘seals’ of the covenant, they...

Nibbles and Sips

From a paper I wrote for my Worship Leadership class, where I reviewed The Eucharistic Sayings of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias: The last aspect of Holy Communion is its future, eschatological orientation. Joachim Jeremias noted that “The Jewish Passover at the time of...

Resurrection Day

We had midterms this past week, which caused no little stress in my life. This was the perfect storm of schoolwork, and I cannot remember doing more work in one week since I had to write my senior thesis in a week, and then preach that Sunday, a couple of years ago....

Outward Sign, Inward Reality–Part Three

Several months ago, I wrote two posts about the connection of the outward signs of circumcision and baptism to their respective inward realities: circumcision of the heart and baptism of the Spirit. You can read those posts here: Part 1 and Part 2. In the first post,...

Finished Product

I mentioned awhile ago that I was writing a paper to contrast baptism and the Lord’s Supper in Baptist and Presbyterian thought. I just finished the paper, although, as I began writing it, I realized that I only had enough space to focus on baptism. Here is one...

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