by | Jan 23, 2008 | Books, Church, Theology, Worship
A. A. Hodge on the sacraments as “seals” of the covenant. I found it helpful: The sacraments were designed to ‘apply’—i.e., actually to convey—to believers the benefits of the new covenant. If they are ‘seals’ of the covenant, they...
by | Nov 15, 2007 | Books, Church, Theology, Worship
From a paper I wrote for my Worship Leadership class, where I reviewed The Eucharistic Sayings of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias: The last aspect of Holy Communion is its future, eschatological orientation. Joachim Jeremias noted that “The Jewish Passover at the time of...
by | Oct 13, 2007 | Books, Church, Culture, History, Theology, Worship
We had midterms this past week, which caused no little stress in my life. This was the perfect storm of schoolwork, and I cannot remember doing more work in one week since I had to write my senior thesis in a week, and then preach that Sunday, a couple of years ago....
by | Sep 29, 2007 | Bible, Church, Theology, Worship
Several months ago, I wrote two posts about the connection of the outward signs of circumcision and baptism to their respective inward realities: circumcision of the heart and baptism of the Spirit. You can read those posts here: Part 1 and Part 2. In the first post,...
by | Mar 1, 2007 | Bible, Books, Church, Culture, History, Theology
I mentioned awhile ago that I was writing a paper to contrast baptism and the Lord’s Supper in Baptist and Presbyterian thought. I just finished the paper, although, as I began writing it, I realized that I only had enough space to focus on baptism. Here is one...