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2 John: In Jesus, Truth Wins Too

Yesterday, we looked at the demands that Love places on her counterpart Truth, according to John’s Second Letter. Ultimate Love and Ultimate Truth is a person whom we call Jesus. Though he is God, he loved his people so much that he submitted to death on a cross...

2 John: Loving One Another in Truth

At first glance, 2 John might seem to be warmed-over leftovers from 1 John, but appearances are very deceiving in this case. In John’s First Letter, he had addressed three major themes: Regeneration, Truth, and Love. John’s Second Letter is vital to the...

A properly ordered love of mammon

I just read a fascinating sermon by Augustine on the love of money for one of my classes. The sermon was given on the occasion of a feast of a martyr, and Augustine’s main goal is to undercut the idea that the martyrs were somehow super-human in their capacity...

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