by Jacob D. Gerber | May 30, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Theology
Post Series on Romans 4:1-25: Righteousness Comes by Faith (Romans 4:1-8) Why did God Seal the Blessing of Abraham with Circumcision? (Romans 4:9-12) Why Does God Extend Righteousness by Faith Alone? (Romans 4:13-25) In Romans 4, Paul proves that righteousness comes...
by Jacob D. Gerber | May 29, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Theology
Post Series on Romans 4:1-25: Righteousness Comes by Faith (Romans 4:1-8) Why did God Seal the Blessing of Abraham with Circumcision? (Romans 4:9-12) Why Does God Extend Righteousness by Faith Alone? (Romans 4:13-25) With the first 8 verses of Romans chapter 4, Paul...
by | May 28, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Theology
Post Series on Romans 4:1-25: Righteousness Comes by Faith (Romans 4:1-8) Does the Blessing of Abraham Extend to the Nations? (Romans 4:9-12) Why Does God Extend Righteousness by Faith Alone? (Romans 4:13-25) In the introductory chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the...
by | Jan 31, 2013 | Books, Culture, Theology
I did not go to a Presbyterian/Reformed seminary, so I missed out on a lot of the intramural debates that my brethren had who went to Covenant, RTS, or the like. Not that I would change my time at Beeson, but I do have to play catch-up at times on subjects like...
by | May 14, 2007 | Church, History, Preaching, Theology
I know what the devil will say to you. He will say to you, “You are a sinner!” Tell him you know you are, but that for all that you are justified. He will tell you of the greatness of your sin. Tell him of the greatness of Christ’s righteousness. He...