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Alcohol and Isaiah

My Bible reading plan takes me through the book of Isaiah at the beginning of every summer, and one of the things that I have newly appreciated this time around is Isaiah’s versatile use of wine imagery. Isaiah uses wine in at least three major ways, as far as I...

Living by Hearsay

At the end of Part 2 of Pilgrim’s Progress, when Mr. Stand-fast is summoned by his Master, who “was not willing that [Stand-fast] should be so far from him any longer.” As Stand-fast readies himself to die by crossing the River, so that he might...

A Better Country

An excerpt from my homework: Prudence: And what is it that makes you so desirous to go to Mount Zion? Christian: Why, there I hope to see him alive, that did hang dead on the Cross; and there I hope to be rid of all those things, that to this day are in me, an...

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