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Psalm 114:1-2: Jesus Christ, the Sanctuary and Dominion of God

Psalm 114 bursts with anticipation for the glorious salvation that would be accomplished by Jesus Christ. Psalm 114, however, is not what we would typically consider a “Messianic Psalm”–that is, a psalm that refers explicitly to some aspect of the...

Numbers, Nearness, and Holiness

Biblically speaking, humanity’s nearness to God is more complicated than we often imagine. For example, the hymn “Nearer My God to Thee” would suggest that closeness to God is always a good thing, but this simply is not the case. Rather, the Bible...

Come Out, and Be Separate

One of the ongoing struggles of evangelicals is to rid themselves of fundamentalist notions of “being separate” from the world. In the past, especially in the wake of public, humiliating losses in the public square on the issue of creationism (e.g., the...

God is Love and God is God

This morning, I listened to an amazing sermon by John Piper about why God would inspire biblical texts that are difficult to interpret and understand, given that he is omniscient as well as a perfect communicator. Piper’s main ideas were that difficult texts...

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