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Atonement Inaugurates Jubilee

I was reading a Charles Spurgeon sermon this morning, and I learned something that I hadn’t previously realized: the Day of Jubilee took place on the same day as the Day of Atonement: [29] “And it shall be a statute to you forever that in the seventh month, on...

The Goodness of God and the Bones of Jesus

Psalm 34 extols the goodness of God. David gives testimony to a time in which YHWH delivered him out of his afflictions–in particular, he is referring to the time when he changed his behavior before the Philistines so that he appeared to be mad, and they did not...

To those who have believed on Christ

I know what the devil will say to you. He will say to you, “You are a sinner!” Tell him you know you are, but that for all that you are justified. He will tell you of the greatness of your sin. Tell him of the greatness of Christ’s righteousness. He...

A Little Spurgeon for your Day

These were the first words C.H. Spurgeon preached at the newly-constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle on March 18, 1861: I would propose that the subject of the ministry in this house, as long as this platform shall stand, and as long as this house shall be frequented by...

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