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Peter’s Hunger and Peter’s Vision in Acts 10

In Acts 10, where Luke records the story of Peter’s vision of the unclean animals descending in a great sheet from heaven, I always regarded the reference to Peter’s hunger as a superfluous detail. Luke writes: [9] The next day, as they were on their...

Outward Sign, Inward Reality–Part Three

Several months ago, I wrote two posts about the connection of the outward signs of circumcision and baptism to their respective inward realities: circumcision of the heart and baptism of the Spirit. You can read those posts here: Part 1 and Part 2. In the first post,...

Household Baptisms

Only recently have I come to believe that God intends for Christians to baptize their infants. Before November 15, the date of my “conversion” on this matter, I was a committed Baptist for about a year. Before that, I wrestled with the arguments for and...

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