by | Sep 6, 2012 | Books, Preaching, Theology, Worship
I just finished a three-month sermon series on the Holy Spirit, and surprisingly, preaching the Holy Spirit was a far more difficult task than I imagined that it would be. In preparation, I read John Owen’s magisterial work on The Holy Spirit, quite a bit of...
by | Apr 15, 2012 | Books, Theology, Worship
…the worship service is not an exercise in worship but a practicing of worship. It is not, of course, that the practicing of worship consists exclusively in going to church. Rather, it must be the one, grand, royal action of our whole life, in all our thoughts,...
by | May 26, 2009 | Books, Church, Culture, History, Preaching, Theology, Worship
I have been reading the second volume of Iain Murray’s comprehensive biography on D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, having read the first volume last year. It is a bit tedious at times, but only because Murray made the conscious choice to include more, rather than less,...
by | May 23, 2009 | Culture, History, Theology
As some of you know, I went through a long phase where I was a huge fan of Ronald Reagan. I still am, to a large degree, but I no longer actively collect biographies written about him or things like that. In fact, the more I think about Reagan’s political...