by | May 8, 2013 | Bible, Church, Theology, Worship
The reason we exist is to worship the Triune God. The first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (“What is the chief end of man?”) gets the answer absolutely correct, framing its response in terms of worship: “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to...
by | Apr 15, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Theology, Worship
In Hebrews 7, the author of Hebrews carefully explains the way in which the priesthood of Jesus annuls the old, Levitical priesthood. The priesthood of Jesus, after the order of Melchizedek, is a better priesthood, established through a better covenant on better...
by | Apr 11, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Theology
Although you could summarize the Bible in a number of ways, one of the main ways to summarize the story of the Bible is by the war between Babylon and Jerusalem. Throughout the entire Bible, Jerusalem symbolizes the people of God, while Babylon symbolizes the enemies...
by | Apr 3, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Worship
We have seen how Christ’s resurrection announced peace for the disciples, but we haven’t completely answered the question of why the resurrection means peace for the disciples. Also, we have seen that the resurrection itself was prophesied in the...
by | Apr 2, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Worship
Christ’s resurrection means peace to his disciples, but Christ’s bringing peace to his people by means of his own life, death, and resurrection was not a last minute audible. In fact, when the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit established a covenant of...
by | Apr 1, 2013 | Bible, Preaching, Worship
On the day of Jesus’ resurrection, Luke tells us that his disciples were all gathered together in a confusion, discussing what had happened and trying to piece together the whole story from the various reports that they were receiving. Luke writes: 36As they...
by | Mar 29, 2013 | Books, Church, History, Preaching, Theology, Worship
In 1931, a theologian named Gustav Aulen published a book about the atonement called Christus Victor, a book that challenged the historic doctrine of atonement sometimes called “penal substitution” or the “satisfaction.” In it, Aulen argued...
by | Mar 28, 2013 | Bible, Church, Preaching, Worship
Maundy Thursday is the day in the church calendar that we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Two important events happened that night: (1) Jesus washed his disciples’ feet; and (2) Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. Although these two...
by | Mar 27, 2013 | Bible, Preaching
Although we learn in Mark’s Gospel that the cleansing of the temple happened the day after Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (that is, the Monday after Palm Sunday), Luke’s Gospel moves straight into the narrative after recording Jesus’...
by | Mar 26, 2013 | Bible, Preaching
On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem as an unexpected King claiming his unexpected Kingdom, and doing so, Jesus received an incredibly warm welcome from the people of Jerusalem who showed up in great numbers to hail him as their King. And yet, Jesus was able to see...