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Expectant Prayer in the Psalms

Prayer requires that we expect something. Unless we expect that God both hears and acts on our prayers, prayer is impossible. To speak of “expectant prayer” is redundant. The Psalms teach us to pray in many ways, but perhaps one of the most important...

Christ Reigns at the Lord’s Supper

In volume 2 of Arnold Dallimore’s George Whitefield biography, Dallimore describes Whitefield’s interactions with Scottish Presbyterians. In regard to the way in which these Scottish Presbyterians received the Lord’s Supper, Dallimore quotes this...

3 Ways the Holy Spirit Gives Christ to Us

Immediately in the opening of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, the apostle launches into robustly theological praise to God for the love that he has lavished upon his people in and through Jesus Christ. When Paul focuses his praise on the Father (Eph. 1:3-6),...

Natural Disasters, Repentance, and the Voice of God

As I mentioned earlier, D. A. Carson’s For the Love of God has probably been the most influential Bible study tool of my life. Very often I realize that a theological idea that has become very important in my thinking probably originated when I originally read...

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