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The Glory of God in His Gospel

D.A. Carson, in his For the Love of God, Vol. 2, writes: We must always remember that: The Gospel is not admired in Scripture primarily because of the social transformation it effects, but because it reconciles men and women to a holy God. Its purpose is not that we...

Outward Sign, Inward Reality–Part Three

Several months ago, I wrote two posts about the connection of the outward signs of circumcision and baptism to their respective inward realities: circumcision of the heart and baptism of the Spirit. You can read those posts here: Part 1 and Part 2. In the first post,...

Should we pray for Jesus?

I was reading Psalm 72 just now, where Solomon prays that God would extend the rule of “the king.” (Actually, the “Of Solomon” could be translated “For Solomon,” and, since verse 20 says “The prayers of David, the son of...

A Thought for Good Friday

From John Stott’s The Cross of Christ: For the essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man. Man asserts himself against God and puts himself where only God deserves to be; God sacrifices...

The Wisdom of Christianity

This morning, I visited Briarwood Presbyterian Church, the founding church of the PCA denomination. It was a bit too big for my taste, but it was a wonderful church. I was privileged to see the sign of the New Covenant given to three more covenant infants, and, for...

Wisdom Literature

This summer, I read the book Biblical Interpretation: Past & Present by Gerald Bray (incidentally, Dr. Bray was my professor this January for my Puritan Spirituality class). It is an incredibly fascinating book that served as a wonderful introduction to seminary...

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