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Christian Exegesis at its Best

I cannot remember a time when I have relied as exclusively on a single commentary for a sermon I prepared as I did this week with Phillip Cary’s masterful work Jonah in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible series (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2008). In...

Word, Spirit, and Dry Bones

In a previous post, I quoted Charles Hodge’s argument that the Spirit of God alone gives efficacy to the Word and to the sacraments: There is, therefore, a strict analogy, according to the Reformed doctrine, between the Word and the sacraments as a means of...

On the Efficacy of the Sacraments

I have been studying up on the sacraments for ordination exams, and, in Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology, I came across an interesting contrast between how Lutheran and Reformed Christians understand the efficacy of the sacraments that I did not previously...

The Provisions of the Prince

At the end of the book of Ezekiel, the prophet sees a vision of a new temple, a new priesthood, and a rejuvenated sacrificial system.  The details are uncomfortably specific for Christians who might expect a prophecy to point a little more directly to Christ’s...

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