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Wisdom Literature

This summer, I read the book Biblical Interpretation: Past & Present by Gerald Bray (incidentally, Dr. Bray was my professor this January for my Puritan Spirituality class). It is an incredibly fascinating book that served as a wonderful introduction to seminary...

The Joys of Seminary

Classes began today for the Spring semester. Well, I actually only had one class (Church History: Reformation-Present), but it’s going to be a doozy. We will have to read almost 3000 pages of books (not counting all the other books we will read to write two...

Living by Hearsay

At the end of Part 2 of Pilgrim’s Progress, when Mr. Stand-fast is summoned by his Master, who “was not willing that [Stand-fast] should be so far from him any longer.” As Stand-fast readies himself to die by crossing the River, so that he might...

Denarii and Denial of Self

Last semester, I wrote a paper for my biblical hermeneutics class that analyzed Matthew 20:1-16, the parable of the vineyard laborers. Many people (notably Craig Blomberg, who wrote The New American Commentary on Matthew) understand the parable as teaching that there...

Without Rival

Jesus brooks no rivals. There have been, there are, many religious leaders. In an age of postmodern sensibilities and a deep cultural commitment to philosophical pluralism, it is desperately easy to relativize Jesus in countless ways. But there is only one Person of...

A Better Country

An excerpt from my homework: Prudence: And what is it that makes you so desirous to go to Mount Zion? Christian: Why, there I hope to see him alive, that did hang dead on the Cross; and there I hope to be rid of all those things, that to this day are in me, an...

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