by | Jan 17, 2007 | Bible, Books, Church, Preaching, Theology, Worship
Jesus brooks no rivals. There have been, there are, many religious leaders. In an age of postmodern sensibilities and a deep cultural commitment to philosophical pluralism, it is desperately easy to relativize Jesus in countless ways. But there is only one Person of...
by | Jan 8, 2007 | Bible, Church, Theology, Worship
The more I reflected about my earlier post, my mind went to this verse, spoken by John the Baptist: “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the...
by | Jan 3, 2007 | Bible, Church, Theology, Worship
During my conversion to paedobaptism, I grew fairly cynical about the definition that I had always heard of baptism while I was growing up: “Baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality.” Of course, this definition was meant, in part, to discount the...
by | Dec 23, 2006 | Bible, Church, Theology, Worship
I have been a committed Reformed Baptist for almost a year now–I wrote a post about the reasoning that brought me to that position on January 3, 2006. In my post, I had written the following: First, you should know that I am approaching the issue from a...
by | Jan 12, 2006 | Bible, Church, Preaching, Theology
Keith Ghormley writes: People don’t remember sermons. I think that’s not as bad as it sounds….But the sermon is not just a delivery of content and theology. It is about the obedience of faith. As I listen, I’m not supposed be tucking the...
by | Jan 4, 2006 | Bible, Church, Theology, Worship
(Edit: I have since changed this view, but I keep this post up because of its importance to me for remembering the development of my theology. For information on my change, read “Why I’m Now a Paedobaptist.”) As some of you may know, I have been...